English Language and Communication Program

Helping the students of KAUST develop the necessary skills to communicate their ground-breaking science to a global audience



Through our courses, workshops, and one-on-one support, we:

  • support academic success with a strong foundational English language program and a range of skill-building courses
  • empower students to present themselves and their research with confidence
  • expand professional opportunity through the development of strong scientific writing, oral communication, and presentation skills

As a unit, we are dedicated to serving the student population, the majority of whom are non-native speakers of English. Students often need our support and additional English language instruction at the start of their academic programs and while writing their theses and dissertations.



Request a tailor-made short course or workshop

from the ELCP

Although the ELCP offers a range of courses and workshops, there may be something specific related to English you want your team at KAUST to concentrate on. Maybe you want your students to work on an elevator pitch or write a research proposal, for example? Whatever your needs, you can now send them directly to us using the form now available on our website. Just click on the Course & Workshop Requests tab in the navigation at the top of the page, or follow this link.



Commencement 2023

17 December, 2023

The ELCP would like to congratulate all students who commenced in 2023. It was wonderful for us to see so many of our past students, both from the mandatory and voluntary ELCP courses, marking the successful completion of their MS or PhD studies. As in all previous commencements, the ELCP was heavily involved in the ceremony, with all team members coaching the student speakers before the event, as well as guiding the students both backstage and onstage during the ceremony itself. Congratulations!!!

What students

are saying about our courses




Combined # of years our team has been teaching English


Total # of countries our students come from


Total # of students who have successfully completed our courses since Fall 2022