Andrea Devlin

Scientific Writing Support

Scientific Writing Coach


Andrea Devlin's PhD and post-doc research has contributed to ten peer-reviewed journal publications in cancer, molecular biology, and angiogenesis in the developing retina.

While she enjoyed performing Western blots and real-time PCR, helping undergraduates and PhD students develop their writing and presentation skills was the task that gave Andrea the most satisfaction. 

Now, Andrea works as a scientific editor and writing coach. She relishes the challenge of understanding the complex topics described in every new journal manuscript or thesis, and then helping the authors to communicate these concepts clearly.

Andrea works from her home in Northern Ireland. When not busy editing, proofreading, and talking about tenses with students, she loves to spend time with her family, especially taking her dog on adventures around beautiful beaches and forests.

You can find out more about the Scientific Writing Coach Service here.


Andrea has a BSc in Applied Biochemical Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and a PhD in Cancer Research, Molecular Biology from Ulster University.